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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Ever find yourself lost in the mesmerizing world where fantasy meets mystery? Well, "The Water Veil" by the talented Nikhil Hegde is just the enchanting escape you've been craving! Dive into a world where ancestral connections, hidden valleys and mystical waterfalls await.


Meet Leela! She’s got this incredible family legacy tied to the mysterious Tarangini waterfalls. But, oh boy, the falls aren’t just about serene waters and beautiful views. They've got myths, legends and a sprinkle of magic! As Leela unravels her family's ties, you'll be right there with her, heart pounding, as secrets from the past come alive.


Nikhil Hegde is like that storyteller friend who makes every tale feel alive. His descriptions? Dreamy! Picture yourself the cascading waters of the falls, the whispers of ancient tales and the thrill of every twist. Hegde's writing doesn’t just tell; it shows, making you feel like you're part of the adventure.


Let’s talk about Leela. Ah, what a protagonist! Brave, curious and deeply connected to her roots. You'll find yourself cheering for her, especially when she’s navigating the tricky waters (literally and figuratively) of her ancestral legacy. And the supporting cast? Each character brings a unique flavour to the mix, making the story even richer.


Hold onto your bookmarks, folks! "The Water Veil" is a rollercoaster. Just when you think you've figured it out, Hegde throws in a curveball. The pacing is spot-on, keeping you hooked from page one. And those moments when Leela discovers something new? Pure magic!


Beyond the thrill and mystery, "The Water Veil" touches on some deep themes. Think about it, our roots, the weight of legacy and the power of family stories. Hegde beautifully weaves these elements, making you ponder life’s bigger questions while enjoying a cracking good tale.


Full disclosure? This book had me emotional! Leela's journey, her discoveries, and the sheer magic of the falls made for some touching moments. And trust me, there were times when I wished I could dive right into the story and explore alongside her.


Hegde's world-building? A+! His attention to detail paints such a vivid picture. However, while the main plot shines, I'd have loved a deeper dive into some secondary characters. More stories from this world, perhaps, Nikhil?


"The Water Veil" isn’t just another fantasy-mystery. It's a heartfelt journey, a tale of discovery and a testament to the power of storytelling. If you're looking for a book that'll whisk you away to another world, this one's a gem.


In a nutshell, "The Water Veil" is a captivating blend of fantasy and mystery that'll leave you wanting more. Kudos to Nikhil Hegde for crafting such a magical tale. Grab your copy, cosy up and let the enchantment begin!


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