In the mystical realm of modernist literature, "Oneira: The Journey" by Maniissh Aroraa stands as a captivating testament to the...
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In the mystical realm of modernist literature, "Oneira: The Journey" by Maniissh Aroraa stands as a captivating testament to the...
Step into a world where the boundary between life and death dissolves, and possibilities multiply like infinite threads waiting to be...
"I Am Another You" embarks on a transformative journey with the author, Priya Kumar, as she seeks escape from a disconcerting world. The...
Step into the enchanting world of "There's Something About Sweetie" by acclaimed author Sandhya Menon, where love, laughter, and...
Vinod Kumar Dhall's "Factory Resets of Governance Rules" is a thought-provoking exploration of India's democratic governance system. The...
Embark on a riveting journey through the heart of the Indian banking industry with Ravi Subramanian's compelling novel, "If God Was A...
"The Girl with Broken Dreams" beckons readers into a riveting psychological thriller, enticing with a title that sparks immediate...
Embark on an extraordinary journey through the realms of cricket with Ravi Shastri in his much-anticipated memoir, "Stargazing: The...
In the harrowing aftermath of the 2022 Ukrainian invasion, "The Life of Tolka" by Nitin Chopra and Niveditha Preeth unfolds a gripping...
Embark on a gripping journey through the twisted alleys of a small town where a cold case lingers like a haunting melody. In "A Good...
"The One who is Everything for You in Your Life" by Manisha Shah is a captivating exploration of love, destiny and the belief that...
In the enchanting world crafted by Preeti Shenoy in "Tea For Two And A Piece Of Cake," readers are invited to delve into a tale that goes...
In the heartwarming narrative of "Satya and Smith: An Amazing Walk" by Dr Abhishek Kumar, readers are invited to join Satya and Smith on...
Embark on an extraordinary journey through time and realms as "The Protected Rakshasa KAAL" by Pranay Bhalerao intricately weaves a...
Tryst With Reality by Vishal Bhavsar beckons readers into an enthralling journey through the Himalayas, blending adventure and...
A love story woven through the tapestry of 1947's Partition, Apoorva Khare's "Beneath the Gulmohar Tree" is a captivating exploration of...
In "Astrology Simplified," author Riddhi Bahl takes readers on a captivating journey through the celestial realms, weaving personal...
In the intriguing world of Colleen Hoover's "Too Late," emotions take center stage, inviting readers to embark on a unique literary...
In the bustling world of self-help and spiritual literature, "New York to New You: The 31/7 Odyssey" by Manoj Gupta stands out as a...
Chanpreet Singh's "Ek Akela Ped aur Anya Kavitaein" is a poetic journey that seamlessly blends simplicity with profoundness, offering...