"If He Knew I Was a Writer Too" by Laleeta Tongo is a heartfelt and intimate collection of poetry that delves into the author's journey...
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"If He Knew I Was a Writer Too" by Laleeta Tongo is a heartfelt and intimate collection of poetry that delves into the author's journey...
"Meet Me at the Cusp" by Priyam Acharya is a captivating tale that follows the life of Pashmina Sambyal, a charismatic social media...
"On the Trail of Thugs and Thieves" delves into the dark reality of crimes against humanity, exposing the universal truth that poverty is...
"Chords of Emotions" is a compelling poetry collection that takes readers on a heartfelt journey through the intricacies of human...
"Broken Anvils" by Rohith Agarwal is an emotional and empowering story that delves into the struggles and journey of Jeevan, a young man...
Step into the enchanting world of ancient India in "The Bearded Prince" by Rajesh Talwar. This delightful tale follows Princess Roopali,...
"Parichita" is a mesmerizing poetry collection penned by the talented author and writer, Sudha Sikrawar. Through her evocative writings,...
"How to Start Business in India: Idea to Implementation" is a powerful and empowering book that offers valuable insights and guidance to...
"India Drugged - An Eye Opener" is a powerful and enlightening book that dives into the pressing issue of drug menace and trafficking in...
"My Letters to Feather" is a poignant and introspective novel that takes readers on a transformative journey alongside the unnamed...
"The Great Indian Tamasha" is a captivating book that takes readers behind the scenes of the extravagant and opulent weddings of the...
"The Fortune of Minister Plus: A STEM Story" takes readers on a journey into the Kingdom of Mathematics, where the two ministers, Plus...
"Dark Cloud" by Sanya Khurana is a collection of 21 heartfelt poems that delves into the poetess’s personal journey with depression and...
"The Temple of Hope" is a thought-provoking novel that explores the journey of Duttan Ravindran, a common man striving to achieve his...
"Ma, Don’t Go!" by Dr Aafreen Kotadiya is a heartwarming book that sheds light on the challenges and triumphs faced by women in medicine....
Overdue Conversations by Mokshda Jailkhani is a heartfelt collection of prose pieces that delves into the often-neglected realms of human...
"Air Team Theory: Understanding 10 Types of Team Mates and Best Practices to Succeed" by Dr Shekhar Pawar offers valuable insights and...
From Sorrows to Sapphires is a courageous and inspiring memoir by Angela Williams that delves into her journey to freedom from the shame...
The 3rd Survivor by Mainak Dhar takes readers on an adrenaline-fueled journey into the covert world of an elite military unit. This...
Psychological thriller novels hold a special place in English literature, captivating readers with their intense exploration of the human...