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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Imagine a word that carries the weight of infinite possibilities, a word that embodies the act of letting go and surrendering oneself to the Supreme. "Plunge" is not just a word; it's a complete sentence, a profound concept explored by Joseph Nguyen in his transformative book, "Don't Believe Everything You Think."

In a world where spiritual and philosophical insights often seem elusive, Nguyen tackles the root cause of human suffering – our thoughts. He contends that our thoughts are the sole limitations we place upon ourselves, leading to a perpetual cycle of overthinking and unrest.

The promise lies in the revelation that truth is not merely intellectual understanding but a profound feeling. Nguyen offers readers the tools to break free from the shackles of overthinking, guiding them towards lasting peace and a connection with the Supreme. This is not just a book; it's a practical guide to transforming your mindset and, consequently, your life.

"Don't Believe Everything You Think" comprises 17 concise chapters, each unraveling the intricate layers of how thinking, as Lord Buddha noted centuries ago, is the root cause of our suffering. Nguyen seamlessly weaves together spiritual wisdom found in various holy scriptures, emphasizing the timeless nature of this knowledge.

Joseph Nguyen's authority in guiding readers through this transformative journey is evident. With clarity and depth, he draws from ancient Indian philosophy, referencing the state of mind known as "shunya," or zero, where everything begins and dissolves. Nguyen's approach is not just philosophical; it's practical, making profound concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds.

Nguyen's commitment to simplicity is reflected not only in the structure of the book but also in his use of new-age vocabulary, making complex concepts relatable.

The tone of the book is one of encouragement and empowerment. Nguyen advocates for a shift from intellectual processing to feeling the words, emphasizing the importance of submitting to the nothingness, a concept akin to the ancient wisdom of "shunya."

While rooted in spirituality, "Don't Believe Everything You Think" transcends religious boundaries. Nguyen bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary understanding, offering a fresh perspective on timeless truths. The book is not just relevant; it's a timely guide for those seeking inner transformation.

Nguyen's use of relatable examples, analogies, and concise stories engages readers in a thought-provoking exploration of their own mental landscapes. The book's structure ensures that readers are not overwhelmed with information but rather led gently towards a profound shift in perspective.

As you embark on this inward journey, "Don't Believe Everything You Think" promises not just a glow-up but a profound transformation. It is an invitation to experience the power of "plunge" – a word that encapsulates the surrender needed for both spiritual and material success. Get ready to challenge your thoughts, embrace the nothingness, and discover the art of attaining "shunya."

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