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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna and Subadhra, is a character that has captured the imagination of many a reader, with his valiant deeds and his tragic fate. A shining star amidst the firmament of legendary warriors, he possessed a noble and gentle soul, a fierce and indomitable spirit, and an unwavering sense of loyalty and duty. Trained by the best teachers and mentored by the great lord Krishna himself, Abhimanyu's prowess in the art of warfare was unmatched, and he became a force to be reckoned with in the battlefield. However, fate had other plans for him, and his untimely demise at a tender age has left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who have come to know him through the pages of the epic Mahabharata.

Abhimanyu by the eminent author, Anuja Chandramouli is a captivating literary masterpiece. Within the pages of this exquisite work, the author deftly brings to life the enigmatic character of Abhimanyu, a valiant warrior from the pages of the celebrated epic, Mahabharata. With a spellbinding narrative that commences from the very day of Arjuna and Subadhra's progeny, Abhimanyu's birth, we are taken on a journey that explores the depths of his noble and gentle character, his profound love for animals, his filial devotion to his parents, and his unwavering determination to learn and excel in the art of warfare. Under the tutelage of the great lord, Krishna, Abhimanyu blossoms into a fierce and skilled warrior, proficient in the use of weapons ranging from the sword and bow to the mace.

Anuja Chandramouli's elegant prose and eloquent storytelling are truly remarkable, and the manner in which she has given voice to the unspoken aspects of Abhimanyu's personality is nothing short of brilliant. The book masterfully portrays Abhimanyu's unwavering loyalty to his beloved wife, Uttara, evoking a deep sense of emotion and empathy from the reader. The author's captivating storytelling abilities are further accentuated by her simple and easily comprehensible language, making the book accessible to readers from all walks of life. The striking and alluring cover design serves as an enticing invitation to embark on a journey that will leave a lasting impression on one's soul.

In conclusion, "Abhimanyu" is a must-read for all enthusiasts of the genre of mythology, a literary gem that offers a refreshing and unique perspective on a well-known tale. It is a book that captivates and enthrals, igniting the passion for reading in the hearts of all who dare to delve into its enchanting pages.

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