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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Imagine you're sitting on your favourite cozy chair, sipping a cup of steaming chai, and diving into a book that promises to whisk you away on a journey through the lives of ordinary people with extraordinary tales to tell. This is precisely what Dr. Geetha Kariappa's "Curly Tales: From Here & There" offers—a delightful collection of urban true stories that will leave you laughing, crying, and pondering the complexities of life.

In this captivating collection of short stories, Dr. Kariappa takes us on a tour of rural Kodagu, coastal Mangalore, and the heritage city of Mysore, unveiling the hidden gems of human experience nestled within these diverse landscapes. Through a series of vignettes, we encounter a cast of characters ranging from next-door neighbours to distant cousins, each grappling with their own unique trials and triumphs. What sets this collection apart is its ability to seamlessly blend comedy and tragedy, highlighting the resilience and humour of the urban middle class and rural communities in India.

Dr. Kariappa's writing style is a breath of fresh air, with prose that is both elegant and accessible. Her vivid descriptions transport readers to the bustling streets of Mangalore or the serene landscapes of Kodagu, while her narrative voice infuses each story with warmth and authenticity. From witty dialogue to poignant reflections, her literary techniques capture the essence of human emotion with grace and finesse.

The essence of "Curly Tales" lies within its characters, who pulsate with intricacy, depth, and a hint of everyday enchantment. From a spirited young girl yearning for liberation to a man seeking love in the most unforeseen corners, their narratives pulsate with a universal resonance that eclipses cultural confines. Dr. Kariappa adeptly navigates themes of love, sorrow, kinship, and self-discovery, prompting readers to introspect on their own personal journeys and connections.

The pacing of "Curly Tales" is masterful, with each story unfolding at just the right pace to keep readers engaged from start to finish. Dr. Kariappa's deft handling of plot twists and turns ensures that the book never loses momentum, while its episodic structure allows for easy immersion into the lives of its characters.

"Curly Tales" is fundamentally a tribute to the diverse facets of the human journey, embracing its chaos and splendor alike. Dr. Kariappa intricately weaves together narratives that delve into themes of endurance, compassion, and the transformative potency of storytelling in unraveling the intricacies of human existence. Each anecdote is a canvas painted with subtle nuances and allegorical undertones, prompting readers to delve into profound reflections even as they bid farewell to the book's last chapter.

As a reader, "Curly Tales" left me feeling deeply moved and profoundly inspired. From moments of laughter to tears, each story elicited a range of emotions that lingered long after I'd finished reading. Whether it was the heartwarming bond between siblings or the bittersweet nostalgia of lost love, Dr. Kariappa's stories touched me in ways I never expected.

One of the book's greatest strengths lies in its compelling character development and vivid world-building. Dr. Kariappa has a gift for creating characters that feel like old friends, and her evocative descriptions bring each setting to life with remarkable clarity. Additionally, the book's seamless blend of humor and pathos keeps readers hooked from beginning to end.

While "Curly Tales" is undoubtedly a gem of a book, there were moments where I wished for a bit more depth or exploration of certain themes. In particular, some stories felt slightly rushed or underdeveloped, leaving me craving more insight into the characters' motivations and inner lives.

As someone who loves nothing more than getting lost in a good book, "Curly Tales" was a true delight from start to finish. Dr. Kariappa's storytelling prowess is evident on every page, and her ability to capture the essence of human experience is nothing short of extraordinary. This is a book that will stay with me for a long time to come, and I can't wait to see what Dr. Kariappa has in store for readers next.

To wrap up, "Curly Tales: From Here & There" stands as a mesmerizing collection of urban true tales, offering a window into the lives of everyday individuals navigating remarkable journeys. With its compelling narrative style, authentic characters, and themes that prompt reflection, this book promises to enchant readers across generations. I enthusiastically suggest it to anyone in search of a touching and inspiring read that celebrates the multifaceted nature of existence.


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