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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Ever found yourself drawn into a story that feels like a mix between a vintage Bollywood drama and a thoughtful literary novel? That's the vibe of Shubira Prasad’s Girl of Destiny. Prasad, who’s not just an author but also an astrologer and an educationist, has a knack for diving deep into the human psyche, and her diverse background definitely spices up her storytelling. From epic trilogies about mythological wars to this personal and evocative journey through a woman’s life, she knows how to keep readers hooked.

Girl of Destiny throws us into the turbulent life of Shama, a character so blessed and so cursed by fate, you can’t help but root for her. Imagine Shama grows up surrounded by a family that both adores and isolates her, navigating through life’s highs and lows, from taboo love affairs to marriages that swing from hopeful to heartbreaking. Prasad sets this tale against the colourful backdrop of the 1950s through the 1980s, giving us a front-row seat to Shama’s dramatic evolution.

Prasad’s writing? It's like she's right there, telling you a story over a cup of tea—intimate, detailed, and with no holds barred. Her straightforward language packs a punch, capturing complex emotions in a way that just hits right. She has a gift for crafting scenes that pull at your heartstrings without tipping into melodrama, which is harder than it sounds!

Shama is the star of the show, a powerhouse of a character whose life’s path reflects her fierce independence and the societal chains that try to hold her back. The supporting cast isn’t just filling space; they’re reflections and contrasts to Shama, from her stepfamily to her lovers, each adding shades to her story. Prasad brilliantly showcases the tug-of-war between destiny and choice—a theme that resonates deeply in today’s world as much as in the era she depicts.

The pacing of Girl of Destiny is like a well-paced symphony, each chapter a movement that builds on the last, with crescendos and quiet moments in perfect balance. Prasad’s handling of time not only shows Shama's growth but also encapsulates the changing eras, making you feel like you’re growing right along with her.

The book tackles some hefty themes—fate vs. free will, the search for belonging, and the complexity of love and loss. It’s all wrapped in a narrative that challenges you to think about how our choices define us, and how sometimes, what feels like destiny is really just life playing out our decisions on a grand scale.

Let me tell you, Girl of Destiny had me on an emotional rollercoaster—joy, tears, frustration, you name it. Prasad doesn’t just tell a story; she makes you feel it. Those moments of triumph felt like personal victories; the losses felt like personal blows. It’s a journey that’s as enriching as it is emotional.

The real gem here is Shama’s character arc. It’s beautifully crafted and profoundly moving. The backdrop of decades past, rendered through Prasad’s vivid descriptions, not only sets the stage but enriches every twist and turn of Shama’s journey.

If I had to nitpick, I’d say sometimes the rapid-fire events in Shama’s life can be a bit much. It’s like, “Wait, let me catch my breath!” A tad more space between the twists would let the big moments really sink in.

As someone who loves stories that feel both real and larger-than-life, Girl of Destiny struck a perfect chord. Shama’s journey, with all its ups and downs, felt like watching a really good classic film where you’re just glued to the screen, waiting to see what happens next.

In Girl of Destiny, Shubira Prasad has crafted a novel that’s not just read but experienced. It’s a vivid, heart-tugging journey through a woman’s life that asks timeless questions about destiny and choice. Whether you’re in for the historical vibes or the deep emotional dives, this book delivers. I’m already looking forward to whatever Prasad writes next, and you better believe I’ll be first in line to read it. If you're up for a story that packs a punch while exploring deep themes, add this one to your list. You won’t regret it!

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