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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Have you ever felt like you're up against insurmountable odds, fighting a battle that never seems to end? Tajo Amar Beharry's "Grounded: One Eye Open" takes you on such a journey, spanning three decades of relentless pursuit of justice. It's not just a memoir; it's a saga of resilience and determination. This book had me hooked from the first page, and I couldn't wait to see how Beharry's incredible story unfolded.

In "Grounded: One Eye Open," Beharry recounts his life-altering accident that left him partially blind and the ensuing legal battle against the airline responsible. Imagine being a pilot, loving your job, and then suddenly losing vision in one eye due to a work-related incident. The airline denies liability, and you're left to fight for justice. This book chronicles Beharry's three-decade-long fight against corporate malfeasance and a flawed judicial system. His story is packed with courtroom drama, personal hardships, and moments of triumph that will keep you turning the pages.

Beharry's writing is straightforward and earnest, making you feel like you're sitting across from him as he tells his story. It's raw and real, but at times, it gets a bit repetitive. Some sections feel like déjà vu, with phrases and descriptions cropping up again and again. A tighter edit could have polished these rough edges, but the authenticity of Beharry's voice shines through, giving the narrative a heartfelt touch.

Beharry himself is the heart and soul of this memoir. His determination and resilience are nothing short of inspiring. The supporting characters, including legal professionals and family members, add depth to the narrative, showcasing the power of solidarity and support. The book delves into significant themes like justice, resilience, and the fight against corporate greed, making it not just a personal story but a universal one.

The book's structure mirrors the roller-coaster ride of Beharry's legal battles. It's full of twists and turns, with highs that make you cheer and lows that break your heart. The pacing can be uneven, especially with the repetitive parts, but the core story is so compelling that you stick with it. The chronological narrative helps keep things clear, even when the legal jargon gets dense.

At its core, "Grounded: One Eye Open" is about the pursuit of justice and the resilience needed to achieve it. Beharry's fight against the airline company is a stark reminder of the systemic failures that prioritize profit over people. This book is a rallying cry for anyone facing similar battles, urging us to stand up, speak out, and never give up.

Beharry's story is a roller-coaster of emotions. I felt anger at the injustices he faced, empathy for his struggles, and triumph in his moments of victory. It's a deeply moving account that makes you reflect on your own battles and the strength required to overcome them.

The book's biggest strength is its inspirational message. Beharry's resilience and unwavering determination are incredibly motivating. His detailed account of the legal process offers valuable insights into the challenges faced by individuals fighting against powerful corporations. The emotional honesty and transparency in his writing are also commendable, making the reader feel connected to his journey.

The repetition in the writing and the lack of narrative depth in some areas are notable weaknesses. Some sections could benefit from more detailed descriptions and varied language to maintain reader engagement. Additionally, the book's length could be reduced to eliminate redundancies and enhance its overall readability.

"Grounded: One Eye Open" struck a chord with me. Beharry's unwavering determination in the face of immense adversity is truly inspiring. While the writing style may not appeal to everyone, the book's core message and the emotional journey it offers make it a worthwhile read. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for one's rights and the impact that one determined individual can have.

If you're looking for a story that will inspire you to keep fighting, no matter the odds, "Grounded: One Eye Open" is the book for you. Tajo Amar Beharry's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and the pursuit of justice. Despite its flaws, this memoir is a compelling and emotional read that will leave you thinking long after you've turned the last page. So, pick it up, dive in, and let Beharry's story ignite your own fight for what's right.

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