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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


In the vast digital ocean where our children sail on screens smoother than they might skip stones across a pond, Neha J Hiranandani's "iParent: Embracing Parenting in the Digital Age" serves as a guiding star for parents voyaging through the intricate challenges of digital upbringing. Before we set sail into the core of her insightful work, it's crucial to acknowledge Hiranandani's esteemed journey. Having penned a national bestseller and devoted her career to championing gender equality and shaping education policy, her counsel is anchored in deep experience and insightful knowledge.

At its core, "iParent" is not just a book; it's a journey into the digital consciousness of the app generation, offering a beacon of hope to parents who fear they're losing their children to the virtual vortex. Hiranandani does not just sketch out the battleground; she arms her readers with wisdom, wit, and a war chest of practical strategies to ensure their kids emerge from their online escapades unscathed.

Hiranandani's writing style is a seamless blend of humour and erudition, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Her prose dances between the lines of academic research and relatable anecdotes, ensuring that readers are as entertained as they are educated. She employs a narrative voice that is both authoritative and inviting, turning what could have been a dry discourse into a lively conversation.

The characters in this narrative are the ideas and challenges themselves, personified through real-life scenarios and conversations. The depth comes from the multifaceted exploration of themes such as cyberbullying, internet addiction, and the quest for digital identity. The originality of Hiranandani's approach lies in her refusal to vilify technology; instead, she advocates for a balanced, open-dialogue-based relationship between parents and their digital-native offspring.

Structurally, "iParent" is meticulously organized, guiding the reader through the digital landscape with a steady hand. Its pacing is deliberate, allowing for moments of reflection amidst the practical advice. The structure fosters an engagement that keeps you flipping pages, not out of a sense of duty, but out of genuine interest and concern for the next generation's digital wellbeing.

At its heart, "iParent" addresses themes of connection, safety, and the enduring power of parent-child relationships in the digital age. These themes are not just timely; they're timeless, resonating with a universal appeal to protect and nurture in an era of unprecedented online risks.

Emotionally, "iParent" struck a chord with me. It's a book that manages to evoke a range of feelings, from the laughter at recognizing one's own tech faux pas to the sobering realization of the digital dangers lurking in our children's pockets. Hiranandani's warmth and humour serve as a gentle reminder that at the end of the day, parenting is about love, understanding, and the courage to guide our children through both the real and virtual worlds.

The strength of "iParent" lies in its ability to demystify the digital domain. Hiranandani offers a treasure trove of actionable advice without ever descending into preachiness. The book's vivid portrayal of the digital landscape, combined with its empathetic approach to parenting, makes it a standout.

If there's a weakness, it might be that the sheer breadth of topics covered can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, this is less a flaw and more a reflection of the complex digital ecosystem our children inhabit. Future works could perhaps delve deeper into specific areas of digital parenting, offering even more nuanced guidance.

Personally, "iParent" resonated with me on multiple levels. It's not just a book; it's a conversation starter, a guide, and a friend in the digital parenting journey. It speaks to the heart of what it means to raise children in a world where technology is as ubiquitous as air.

In wrapping up, "iParent: Embracing Parenting in the Digital Age" emerges as an indispensable guide for anyone aiming to master the art of digital parenting with poise, wit, and profound understanding. Neha J Hiranandani has woven together a narrative that's as engaging as it is enlightening, striking a harmonious balance in a conversation often polarized between technology and parenting philosophies. Irrespective of your digital literacy—whether you're a whiz with gadgets or someone who stumbles through basic email functions—"iParent" extends valuable insights to all. Looking forward, I am filled with anticipation for whatever Neha J Hiranandani shares next, trusting she'll continue to illuminate and support us in our paramount journey: parenting.

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