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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Imagine you’re sitting on a cozy couch, sipping on your favourite drink, and you pick up a book that promises a whirlwind of adventure, spirituality, and pure magic. That’s exactly what you get with Baisakhi Saha’s "Life Is Abracadabra." This isn’t your typical travel memoir. It’s more like having a deep conversation with a friend who has a treasure trove of incredible stories to tell.


"Life Is Abracadabra" is a collection of 21 true stories from Baisakhi’s travels around the globe. From the wilderness of Venezuela to the bustling ghettos of Nigeria, she shares her experiences in a way that makes you feel like you’re right there with her. The book isn’t about one big story but a series of little ones that highlight how magical and unexpected life can be when you trust in the universe. It’s not about literary flair; it’s about heartfelt, honest storytelling.


Baisakhi’s writing style is simple and genuine. She’s not trying to be the next Marquez or Hemingway, and that’s precisely what makes her stories so relatable. Her language is straightforward, her prose is clean, and her narrative voice feels like a friend sharing tales over a cup of chai. There’s an authenticity to her words that pulls you in, making her adventures feel like your own.


The main character here is Baisakhi herself. She comes across as a curious, brave, and spiritually inclined person who chooses to walk an unconventional path. Her journey from a naive young girl to a wise adult is inspiring. The book also introduces us to various cultures and people, highlighting themes of courage, faith, and the interconnectedness of humanity. It’s about seeing the world with open eyes and an open heart.


The book’s structure is like a patchwork quilt, each story a unique piece that adds to the overall tapestry of Baisakhi’s life. This episodic format keeps things lively and engaging. You never know what kind of adventure awaits in the next chapter, which makes it hard to put the book down. The pacing is just right, with each story offering a mix of reflection and excitement.


At its heart, "Life Is Abracadabra" is about believing in the magic of the universe. It’s about having faith that things will work out, even when the path isn’t clear. Baisakhi’s stories remind us that life’s most extraordinary moments often come when we least expect them. The themes of spiritual growth, resilience, and trusting the universe resonate deeply, offering a fresh perspective on life.


Reading this book feels like an emotional rollercoaster in the best possible way. There are moments of pure joy, deep contemplation, and heartfelt inspiration. Baisakhi’s adventures evoke a sense of awe, not just at the places she visits but at her courage and trust in the universe. There were times I found myself genuinely moved by her experiences and the lessons she drew from them.


One of the biggest strengths of this book is its ability to inspire. Baisakhi’s stories are a proof to the power of stepping out of your comfort zone and trusting that the universe has your back. Her honest and straightforward narrative makes it easy to connect with her journey. Specific stories, like her escapades in the dense forests of Venezuela or navigating through the ghettos of Nigeria, are vividly described and deeply impactful.


While the simplicity of the prose is refreshing, it might leave some readers craving a bit more depth or poetic flair. Additionally, the episodic nature of the book, while engaging, might feel a bit disjointed for those who prefer a more continuous narrative. But honestly, these are minor quibbles in an otherwise delightful read.


For me, "Life Is Abracadabra" was a breath of fresh air. It’s not just a book; it’s an experience. Baisakhi’s adventures reminded me of the magic that’s all around us if we just open our eyes and hearts to it. Her stories are a beautiful blend of spirituality, adventure, and life lessons that resonated deeply with me. It’s a book that stays with you, urging you to believe in the magic of your own journey.


In summary, "Life Is Abracadabra" is a gem of a book that combines real-life adventure with spiritual wisdom. Baisakhi Saha’s honest and engaging storytelling makes this memoir a must-read. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or someone who dreams of exploring new horizons, this book offers valuable insights and inspiration. I highly recommend it and can’t wait to see where Baisakhi’s journey takes her next. If you’re looking for a book that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired, "Life Is Abracadabra" is it.

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