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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Imagine a world where words are not just a collection of letters, but a lifeline to the deepest corners of the human heart. This is the world Yashika Vahi creates in "Psychos & Poets". Known for her vibrant tapestry of talents, Vahi's foray into poetry is like a meteor shower in the literary sky - unexpected, brilliant, and utterly captivating.

"Psychos & Poets" isn't just a book; it's a soul-stirring journey across the terrain of human emotion. Steering clear of a conventional storyline, Vahi presents a mosaic of themes - the fear of aging, the allure of the unknown, and the eternal battle between truth and deception. Each poem, a standalone masterpiece, collectively narrates the author’s intimate dance with life’s most perplexing questions.

Vahi's writing style is like a river in full spate - wild, unbridled, and deeply moving. Her prose is not just read but felt, each word resonating with an almost tangible intensity. The narrative voice is so personal it feels like a whisper in your ear, and her use of language is nothing short of artistry.

While traditional characters are conspicuously absent, each poem in the collection embodies a fragment of the human spirit. Vahi's exploration of themes is as deep as it is broad, striking a chord with anyone who has pondered life's big questions. Her portrayal of mental and emotional landscapes is so vivid, that it’s almost as if the poems breathe.

The book’s structure is a testament to the beauty of chaos. Its non-linear approach mirrors the unpredictability of life, with each poem adding a unique hue to the canvas. This unorthodox arrangement ensures that every reading experience is unique, keeping you hooked from start to finish.

Vahi tackles themes of existential angst, self-exploration, and the search for meaning with a deft hand. Her poems are more than just words; they are a mirror reflecting our collective psyche, offering insights into life, death, and everything in between.

Prepare for an emotional odyssey. "Psychos & Poets" will take you from the depths of despair to the heights of hope, often within the span of a few lines. It’s a book that doesn’t just touch your heart; it seizes it, leaving an indelible mark.

The book’s raw honesty is its most striking feature. Vahi’s fearless dive into the complexities of emotion and existence is both rare and refreshing. Her poetic voice is not just heard; it echoes in the chambers of the soul. For those seeking a linear narrative or clear-cut resolutions, this book might be a challenging terrain. Its abstract nature is its charm and curse, potentially alienating readers who prefer a more straightforward approach.

On a personal note, "Psychos & Poets" struck a chord deep within me. It was like reading a reflection of my soul, a journey both comforting and confronting. My penchant for introspective poetry undoubtedly coloured my reading experience.

"Psychos & Poets" by Yashika Vahi is more than a book; it's an experience. It’s a must-read for anyone who finds solace in the poetic exploration of life’s complexities. This collection is not just a showcase of Vahi’s talent; it’s a brave, unflinching gaze into the abyss of the human experience. It’s a journey worth embarking on, promising to transform and transcend in equal measure.

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