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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Have you ever stumbled upon a book so riveting that it not only clutches your attention but also whirls you through a rollercoaster of emotions and intrigues? That's exactly how I felt diving into "R.A.W. Hitman" by S. Hussain Zaidi, a renowned journalist and true crime author famed for his deep dives into the murky underbelly of India. Known for bestsellers like "Black Friday" and "Dongri to Dubai", Zaidi has a knack for unearthing the gritty realities of the criminal world, and his latest offering is no exception.

"R.A.W. Hitman" introduces us to Laxman Bisht, aka "Agent Lima", a commando turned secret agent for R.A.W. (Research and Analysis Wing, India's external intelligence agency). His life takes a dramatic turn when, after successfully eliminating a mafia kingpin, he's wrongly accused of murder. The story that unfolds is nothing short of a cinematic thriller, complete with wrongful accusations, gritty prison life, and an intense courtroom drama that exposes the chinks in the armor of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Zaidi’s prose is sharp and relentless. The narrative drives forward with the precision of a sniper’s bullet. His ability to weave complex plots with real-life accounts, supported by newspaper clips and eyewitness testimonies, not only authenticates the narrative but enhances the storytelling, making the scenes vividly cinematic. Short, cliffhanger chapters are Zaidi's specialty, ensuring you're constantly saying "just one more page."

The protagonist, Laxman Bisht, is portrayed with layers that peel away as his journey through the judicial labyrinth unfolds. His transformation from a disciplined agent to a wrongly accused prisoner seeking justice adds depth to his character. The secondary characters, too, from the menacing underworld dons to the corrupt politicians, are sketched with compelling backstories, contributing to the story’s rich tapestry.

The book’s structure is a work of art. Pacing is brisk, with plot twists that hit you like a freight train. Zaidi manages to maintain suspense and intrigue throughout, making the book hard to put down. His portrayal of the prison ecosystem and the interplay of various criminal elements within and outside the prison walls is both fascinating and chilling.

At its core, the book wrestles with themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the blurred lines between duty and morality. Zaidi challenges readers to contemplate the cost of truth and justice, and the moral compromises made in the name of national security. These reflections on patriotism and the grim realities of espionage add a profound layer to the thrilling narrative.

As a reader, you feel every bit of Laxman's despair, his bouts of hope, and his relentless pursuit of clearing his name. There are moments that leave you enraged, others that tug at your heartstrings, making the journey with Laxman profoundly personal and emotionally charged.

However, the book isn’t without its flaws. The extensive detail, while usually a strength, occasionally bogs down the narrative. Some typographical errors and a couple of over-dramatized scenes slightly mar an otherwise meticulous narrative. Also, a deeper introspection into R.A.W.'s operational challenges and failures would have given the book an even more rounded perspective.

Personally, this book resonated with me deeply. The portrayal of an agent whose service to his nation goes unrecognized and is met with suspicion and betrayal hit a nerve. It's a sobering reminder of the unsung heroes in the shadows.

"R.A.W. Hitman" is more than just a crime thriller; it's an exploration of the human spirit against the colossal forces of corruption and injustice. S. Hussain Zaidi, with this book, has not only penned a story that entertains but also one that provokes thought, making us question the very foundation of right and wrong. Whether you're a fan of espionage tales or true crime sagas, this book is a compelling addition to your reading list. Zaidi has indeed set a high bar for narratives in this genre, and I eagerly await his next venture into the dark corners of crime and justice.

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