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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Have you ever picked up a book that just grabs you by the heart right from the first page? That’s exactly what happened when I started reading Taking Chances by Christina Fanelli. Angela Lash’s journey from a traumatic childhood to chasing her dreams is as gripping as it is inspiring. Fanelli, who has an impressive background in literature, business, and IT, has woven a tale that’s both relatable and deeply moving.

The story kicks off with a tough-to-read but pivotal moment in young Angela’s life. It’s grim, no doubt about it, but it sets the stage for everything that follows. Fast forward, and Angela is on the brink of making her dream come true—owning Castanza’s, a beloved local restaurant that’s seen better days. The main conflict revolves around Angela’s differing vision for the restaurant compared to Gio, the current owner who’s reluctant to let go. Throw in a romantic getaway and the return of an old friend, and you've got a recipe for drama, tension, and unexpected twists.

Fanelli’s writing is smooth and inviting. Her prose is straightforward but filled with just the right amount of detail to paint vivid pictures and evoke strong emotions. The dialogue feels natural and helps to build a strong connection with the characters. What I loved most were the vivid descriptions and the way she seamlessly wove in twists that kept me on my toes without feeling forced.

The characters in Taking Chances are beautifully crafted. Angela is a standout—strong yet vulnerable, determined yet relatable. Her growth from a hurt child to a tenacious entrepreneur is portrayed with such authenticity. Gio, the current owner of Castanza’s, adds an interesting dynamic with his resistance to change and deep connection to the restaurant’s history. The supporting characters, including the intriguing friend who reappears, add depth and complexity to the story.

The plot is well-paced, with a perfect balance of tension and moments of reflection. The story's structure is compelling, starting with that unforgettable opening and smoothly transitioning into Angela’s adult life. The twists, especially the big one near the end, are executed brilliantly, keeping the reader hooked. The way the story is organized enhances its emotional impact, making every revelation feel both surprising and inevitable.

At its heart, Taking Chances is about resilience, love, and the power of dreams. Angela’s journey is a proof to the strength needed to overcome past trauma and the courage to pursue one’s ambitions. The book also explores the complexities of personal and professional relationships, highlighting their potential to be sources of both support and conflict. Through Angela’s struggles and triumphs, Fanelli reminds us of the importance of taking risks and embracing change.

This book is a rollercoaster of emotions. The opening scene is heart-wrenching, but it sets the stage for a story filled with hope and determination. Angela’s highs and lows are deeply felt, making you root for her every step of the way. Moments of tension keep you on edge, while the unexpected plot twist provides a satisfying jolt of surprise. Overall, Taking Chances is as heartwarming as it is thought-provoking.

One of the book's biggest strengths is its character development. Angela is a well-rounded and relatable heroine whose journey inspires and captivates. The setting of Castanza’s restaurant, with its rich history and charm, adds another layer of appeal. Fanelli’s ability to balance romance, drama, and suspense keeps the narrative dynamic and engaging. Specific passages, like the heartfelt discussions between Angela and Gio about the restaurant's future, really showcase Fanelli’s skill in blending personal and professional stakes.

While Taking Chances is a compelling read, some readers might find the initial grimness of the opening scenes a bit off-putting. Additionally, a few of the plot twists, though exciting, may come across as predictable to seasoned readers of the genre. More subtle foreshadowing could enhance the story’s impact.

Personally, I found Taking Chances to be a deeply moving and engaging read. Angela’s story resonated with me on many levels, especially her resilience and determination. The romantic elements were heartfelt without overshadowing her personal growth, and the professional challenges added a layer of realism that I appreciated. My only critique would be the predictability of some plot points, but overall, it didn’t detract from my enjoyment.

In summary, Taking Chances by Christina Fanelli is a gripping tale of overcoming adversity and pursuing one’s dreams. With its well-developed characters, engaging plot, and emotional depth, it offers a heartfelt and inspiring read. If you’re a fan of contemporary fiction and stories of personal triumph, this book is for you. Highly recommended for a cozy, thought-provoking read. I can’t wait to see what Fanelli writes next!

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