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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


The romance genre, with a rich history dating back centuries, gained widespread popularity in the 20th century thanks to best-selling authors like Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, and Nora Roberts. Today, it's a global phenomenon with millions of readers and diverse styles, reflecting the cultural and historical backgrounds of both authors and readers. The genre's universal themes of love, passion, and desire transcend language and cultural barriers, making it a beloved and enduring genre that captures the hearts and imaginations of readers around the world.

The American Outsider by Homa Pourasgari is a spellbinding masterpiece, a mesmerizing tale of a valiant champion for animal rights and her serendipitous odyssey to the captivating nation of Japan, where she discovers not only a chance to awaken the world to the plight of the dolphins she so passionately defends, but also an opportunity for a thrilling love affair. The protagonist, Tessa Walker, a resolute veterinarian in Los Angeles, is plagued by traumatic memories of witnessing the merciless slaughter of dolphins during her youth in Japan. Determined to fight against the heinous treatment of these magnificent beings, Tessa embarks on a journey that leads her down a path she could never have imagined. With unflinching purpose, she throws herself into organizing protests and navigating through the unfamiliar terrain, unaware of the surprises fate has in store for her. Enter Toshiro Yokoyama, the dashing and intrepid scion of a wealthy retail family. The sparks between him and Tessa are immediate and passionate, but the fervent kiss that he plants on her unsuspecting lips only earns him a sharp slap in retaliation. Despite this ignominious beginning, their paths cross once more, and Tessa is powerless to resist the to magnetic allure of Toshiro's charm. As their relationship blossoms, Tessa's unwavering strength to protest against animal cruelty draw the attention of the authorities, jeopardizing her own freedom, while the disapproval of Toshiro's family adds further complications to their bond.

The narrative flows with seamless ease, the well-crafted and endearing characters drawing the reader inexorably into their world. The book's profound message of animal welfare resonates with emotive intensity, prompting the reader to empathize with the magnificent creatures that share our planet. Although the occasional abrupt shift in character perspectives can be mildly disorienting, it does little to detract from the overall allure of the book.

The American Outsider is an exquisitely powerful novel that speaks to the soul, a tale that showcases the author's ardent concern for animal welfare while delivering a poignant, finely honed tale of love and adventure.

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