"The Ex Factor" by Harini Srinivasan is a humorous rom-com novel that revolves around the chaotic life of Oindrilla Roy, affectionately known as Oinks, as she navigates a week filled with household mayhem, work-related stress, and the unexpected return of her ex-boyfriend, Vivek Rao. This book promises a light-hearted and relatable story, as suggested by the reviews.
The story follows Oinks, a 25-year-old living in a bustling Bengali household. Her parents are civil servants, and she's constantly dealing with household crises due to the absence of domestic help. At work, her boss adds to her stress, while her best friends Sweety and Tejas provide a refuge for gossip and support. Oinks' life takes an unexpected turn when her ex-boyfriend, Vivek, reappears. The novel explores whether this renewed connection will lead to something more or fizzle out.
Harini Srinivasan's writing style is light, humorous and relatable tone. The use of contemporary language and witty humour is the strength, making it easy for readers to connect with the story.
The protagonist, Oinks, is portrayed as a relatable character dealing with everyday chaos. The supporting characters, including her friends and ex-boyfriend, add depth to the story.
The book is described as a rollercoaster of hilarious mishaps and unexpected encounters in Oinks' life. While it may lack a strong romantic focus, it excels in delivering comedic moments and relatable scenarios.
The novel touches on themes of love, friendship, and the challenges of balancing a chaotic life. It emphasizes the importance of humour in dealing with life's ups and downs.
Readers find the book to be a stress-buster, filled with laugh-out-loud moments. It offers a fun and enjoyable reading experience.
The book's strengths lie in its relatable and humorous storytelling, making it a perfect light read for those seeking an escape from daily stressors. The lack of depth in character development is a weakness. The closure of the story is an area for improvement.
"The Ex Factor" seems like an entertaining and enjoyable read, particularly for those who appreciate humour and relatable characters.
In conclusion, "The Ex Factor" by Harini Srinivasan is a delightful rom-com filled with laughter, relatable situations, and quirky characters. While it may have some minor flaws, it promises an engaging and stress-relieving reading experience for those looking for a light-hearted escape.