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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


The complex interplay between espionage, history, and geopolitics has been a recurring theme in literature worldwide, spanning different genres, including thrillers, spy novels, and historical fiction. This theme explores how covert activities and intelligence operations shape the political landscape and international relations of different countries. Writers use this theme to highlight the intricate web of alliances, betrayals, and power struggles between nations and to provide insights into the real-life impact of historical events on contemporary geopolitical dynamics. By weaving together espionage, history, and geopolitics, writers create captivating and thought-provoking stories that offer readers a glimpse into the complex world of international relations and the intricate ways in which intelligence agencies operate to protect their countries interests.

The Portrait of a Secret by Tarun Mehrishi is a thrilling tale of espionage and intrigue that will keep readers at the edge of their seats. The story follows the theft of two paintings by the renowned Russian painter, Roerich, from the Indian Agricultural Research Centre, which ultimately lands up at Sotheby's for auction. Kamal, a senior IAS officer, is entrusted with the task of recovering the stolen paintings. Meanwhile, the story also explores a subplot revolving around the planning of terrorist attacks by Jaish. Kamal is a dedicated officer who goes to great lengths to complete his mission. As he delves deeper into the case, he stumbles upon a buried secret related to Indian cinema and the Partition, which leads him on a perilous journey that changes the global geopolitical scenario forever.

The author of The Portrait of a Secret, Tarun Mehrishi, skillfully uses evocative prose to transport readers to various locations in which the story unfolds. The palpable tension in the narrative makes readers feel as though they are right beside Kamal as he races against time to prevent the sale of the stolen paintings and stop the planned terrorist attack. The plot is tightly woven, and the fast-paced narrative is filled with twists and turns that keep readers guessing until the end. The book also features several well-crafted subplots and characters that complement the main plot, making it a compelling read. The characters are well-developed, and their strengths and weaknesses are fleshed out in great detail, making them believable and relatable to readers.

In conclusion, " The Portrait of a Secret" is a thrilling and well-crafted novel that seamlessly blends espionage, history, and geopolitics. The author's impressive attention to detail and extensive research makes the story highly immersive. This book is a must-read for fans of thrillers and espionage novels. I highly recommend it.

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