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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


In a literary debut that feels like a thunderclap, C.S. Ramachandran (affectionately known as Ram), weaves a tapestry of ancient lore with the threads of modern existence in "The Rising". A seasoned hotelier turned storyteller, Ram’s background in the multicultural world of hospitality enriches his narrative, bringing a vibrant, diverse perspective to his writing.

"The Rising" thrusts the immortal Chiranjeevis into a battle against the demonic Mahisha, who is bent on world destruction. As the boundaries of time blur, these legendary figures from Indian mythology emerge into the modern world, setting the stage for an epic conflict that spans the ethereal and the everyday. The core conflict—immortal righteousness against timeless evil—introduces a refreshing twist to the genre, engaging readers with its unique blend of mythological drama and contemporary settings.

Ram’s prose is straightforward yet evocative, accessible to young adults yet satisfyingly deep for seasoned readers. His narrative voice is clear and compelling, driving the story with a pace that makes putting down the book a challenge. The author’s skillful blend of simple language with complex themes allows the ancient tales to resonate in the modern context, bringing mythical figures to life in an almost cinematic fashion.

The Chiranjeevis are portrayed with a depth that transcends their divine origins, making them relatable as they navigate the challenges of the modern world. Ram explores their timeless virtues and human flaws, creating a dynamic interplay that is both ancient and refreshingly new. The theme of unity against adversity shines brightly, presenting a timeless message that feels particularly relevant in today’s divided world.

The plot of "The Rising" moves with relentless momentum, packed with twists that keep the reader guessing. The structure of the novel expertly balances the unfolding drama with moments of introspection, allowing the characters’ inner journeys to mirror the external action. This synchronization keeps the narrative engaging and emotionally resonant throughout.

At its heart, "The Rising" is about the enduring power of unity and courage. It challenges the reader to consider the impact of ancient wisdom on contemporary dilemmas, effectively using the mythological framework to explore themes of resilience and moral integrity. The allegorical use of the Chiranjeevis’ struggle offers a profound commentary on the battle between good and evil, both globally and within each individual.

As a reader, I found "The Rising" both thrilling and thought-provoking. The climactic scenes were particularly stirring, filled with tension and emotional depth that had me rooting for the protagonists while deeply fearing for their fate.

The book’s major strength lies in its ability to make mythology accessible and relevant. The vivid characterizations and the seamless integration of these figures into a modern narrative framework are particularly commendable. Ram’s storytelling prowess shines as he crafts scenes that are visually rich and emotionally engaging.

While the book is a compelling read, there were moments where the potential for deeper exploration of themes felt somewhat truncated. The narrative could benefit from further expansion in areas that would allow even greater character development and thematic depth.

"The Rising" captivated my imagination and reignited my interest in mythology through its innovative storytelling and dynamic characters. It's a commendable fusion of myth and reality that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a fresh take on legendary tales.

C.S. Ramachandran’s "The Rising" is a promising debut that stands as a testament to his storytelling skill and deep reverence for cultural heritage. It not only entertains but also enlightens, providing a bridge between the worlds of ancient myth and modern reality. This book is undoubtedly a must-read, and I eagerly await Ram's future works, hoping they continue to blend the rich flavors of myth with the relatable struggles of contemporary life.

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