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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Oh, where do I even start with "The Sorry Book" by Niraj Mittal? This book swept me off my feet and into the bustling streets of Mehsana, right beside the serene Mahadev temple. Let me take you on a journey through my thoughts on this remarkable debut that's as enchanting as it is profound.

Niraj Mittal has flipped the script on his own life story with his venture into the literary world. With a past dotted with college dropouts and a triumphant chapter in business, Mittal's leap into authorship is as surprising as it is enchanting. His own tale could easily make for a compelling novel, but for now, let's dive into the universe he's crafted in "The Sorry Book."

At its core, this book weaves a narrative around Bholu and Paridhi, childhood friends whose lives are as intertwined as the roots of ancient trees. Set against the backdrop of Mehsana's spiritual aura, their story is a kaleidoscope of emotions, trials, and redemption. Mittal masterfully avoids spilling all the beans, keeping you hooked without giving away the heart of the conflict. It's a tale that stands out in the genre of romance and human connection for its raw honesty and complexity.

Mittal's prose is nothing short of poetic. The narrative flows like a gentle river, sometimes calm and at other times, bursting with the ferocity of monsoon floods. His use of language paints vivid pictures, making Mehsana's ambiance and the Mahadev temple almost tangible. The storytelling isn't just about the characters; it's about immersing you into their world, making you feel every heartbeat, every whisper of the wind.

Bholu and Paridhi are not just characters; they're living, breathing entities with flaws, dreams, and the courage to face their demons. Their development is a testament to Mittal's understanding of human nature, making them relatable to anyone who's ever loved, lost, or longed for redemption. The ideas and themes, such as the dance of morality and the spectrum of human emotion, are crafted with a depth that invites reflection.

The pacing of the story is akin to a well-choreographed dance, balancing fast-paced action with moments of introspective calm. Mittal plays with structure to enhance the emotional impact, ensuring that the reader is always engaged, always yearning to turn the page.

What sets "The Sorry Book" apart is its emotional resonance. It's a rollercoaster that straps you in for joy, sorrow, and the sweet pain of nostalgia. Mittal doesn't just tell a story; he invites you to feel it, live it.

The book's strengths lie in its character development and the vivid world Mittal creates. However, if I were to nitpick, I'd say that at times the narrative could benefit from a tighter focus, especially in the middle sections where the pace seems to meander a bit.

Reading this book felt like peering into the soul of its characters, and in doing so, reflecting on my own experiences of love and loss. It's a rare story that holds a mirror to your own heart, and for me, "The Sorry Book" was just that.

"The Sorry Book" is more than just a novel; it's a journey through the complexities of the human heart. Niraj Mittal has crafted a world that's as enchanting as it is reflective, leaving a lasting impression. Whether you're a lover of poignant narratives or just in search of a story that touches your soul, this book is a must-read. I'm eagerly waiting to see where Mittal takes us next.

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