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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


There’s something undeniably irresistible about stories where love, revenge, and secrets all collide. Mystra M’s Veiled Vows Crimson Kisses gives you just that—it's an emotional rollercoaster that had me hooked from the first page to the last. I mean, who doesn’t love a good "best-friends-to-lovers but also enemies" trope, right?

Let’s talk about Anika. She had a life most people dream of—rich, happy, and with a best friend she could always count on. But that all shatters when her parents are murdered, pushing her into hiding. Fast forward a few years, and Anika is back, fueled by revenge, only to find out that Rafail, her childhood best friend and the love of her life, is engaged to her enemy’s daughter. What a gut punch. Now, she has to figure out how to get justice without falling apart, especially when every time she sees Rafail, her heart betrays her. Oh, and Rafail? He’s spent years refusing to believe Anika is dead. He’s on his own mission to find her and discover what really happened to her parents. The tension between these two—chef’s kiss.

Mystra M’s writing flows like butter. Seriously, her prose is so easy to get lost in. The pacing is perfect, with twists and emotional punches at just the right moments. She’s got this great balance of romantic tension and suspense that keeps you turning the pages. The language? Beautiful. The narrative voice? Engaging without being over the top. It’s like she knows just how to reel you in and keep you there.

Now, I need to gush about Anika for a second. She’s such a boss. Her growth from a girl who had everything handed to her to a fierce woman on a mission is seriously inspiring. She’s strong but still so human—torn between her love for Rafail and the anger burning inside her. Rafail, on the other hand, is like the ultimate ride-or-die. His unwavering belief that Anika is alive had me rooting for him from the start. The themes of loyalty, love, and revenge really hit hard, and Mystra M handles them with care, weaving them through the story effortlessly.

The plot is tight and keeps you on your toes. There’s no filler—every scene adds something, whether it's a plot twist or emotional depth. The chemistry between Anika and Rafail? Electric. I found myself grinning during their interactions one minute and feeling totally wrecked the next. There’s a scene toward the end that had me on the edge of my seat (no spoilers!), but let’s just say I felt that one in my bones.

The relationship between Anika and Rafail is by far the strongest aspect of this book. You can feel their history, the love, the heartbreak—it’s all there, and it feels real. The supporting characters, like Nino and the Huskies (yes, the Huskies are characters), add some much-needed warmth to the darker moments.

Okay, if I’m being honest, the plot is a little predictable at times, especially if you’ve read a lot of mafia-style romances. But even then, the writing and emotional stakes are so high that I didn’t mind. It’s Mystra’s debut, so I’m giving her a pass on that one, and I’m excited to see how she evolves as a writer.

Veiled Vows Crimson Kisses is for anyone who loves their romance with a healthy dose of danger, revenge, and second chances. If you’re into dark romance with a strong emotional core, grab this book ASAP. I’ll be keeping an eye on Mystra M because this is only the beginning for her. Trust me, you’ll want to experience this ride.


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