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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


In the enthralling narrative of "Wheels of Kalachakra - The Beginning," author Narendra Lawate takes readers on a captivating journey through the intricacies of time travel. With an unforeseen secret lurking in the pages of history, the protagonist, Raju Ghodke, finds himself entangled in a game of destiny that unveils fatal possibilities. Lawate's exploration of the thin line between reality and imagination sets the stage for a rapid and exciting adventure.


Set against the backdrop of Pune, the story unfolds as a fast-paced science fiction thriller with an intriguing concept of time travel. Lawate weaves a tale that embraces the bustling present-day Pune and ventures into the mystical realms of Manali and the Himalayas. The absence of a female lead is notable, and the narrative raises thought-provoking questions about logic, as exemplified by the lead character's unusual actions.


Lawate's writing style is commendable. The intelligent use of the concept of Kalachakra adds depth to the storytelling. The author's ability to seamlessly integrate real on-ground details of Pune enhances the reader's connection to the plot.


While the characters are well-groomed, the absence of a prominent female lead is a notable aspect. The story's romanticized elements contribute to character development, creating a thrilling and engaging experience. Lawate introduces shock techniques effectively, keeping the reader constantly on edge.


The plot unfolds with a good momentum, gradually revealing layers of complexity. The book's suitability for a web series adaptation is evident, given its diverse settings and intriguing plot twists. However, some plot points, like the lead character's sudden leave application through an SMS, might stretch the boundaries of logic.


Lawate skillfully embeds themes of mystery, thrill, and science fiction, transcending the boundaries of imagination. The narrative raises questions about the impact of time travel on characters and the world around them, offering readers a chance to contemplate deeper philosophical ideas.


The book delivers moments of excitement, suspense, and thrill, immersing readers in the unpredictable journey through time. However, certain illogical elements might momentarily disrupt the emotional flow.


The strengths lie in Lawate's compelling narrative and vivid world-building, creating a unique literary experience. The story's unpredictability and the incorporation of diverse locations contribute to its overall appeal. While the story excels in many aspects, certain plot points challenge the reader's suspension of disbelief. The sudden and unconventional actions of the lead character may require more convincing explanations to maintain narrative coherence.


As a reader, the book provides an exhilarating experience, blending science fiction with cultural elements. The anticipation for the next installment in the trilogy is high, and I am hoping for further exploration of the characters and a more nuanced approach to logical consistency.


"Wheels Of Kalachakra - The Beginning" is a commendable debut in science fiction. Despite some minor inconsistencies, Lawate's narrative prowess promises an engaging trilogy that captivates the reader's imagination. This book lays a solid foundation for the series, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.


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