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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate

Unconditional Devotion

Motherhood, the noblest of all callings,

A journey of love, of sacrifice and of giving.

The bond between a mother and her child,

A treasure beyond measure, pure and undefiled.

From the moment of conception to the moment of birth,

A mother's love blossoms, nurtured by the earth.

The first kick, the first flutter, the first heartbeat,

A miracle of life, a moment to cherish and greet.

And as the child grows, so too does the love,

A selfless devotion that knows no bounds or trove.

Through sleepless nights and endless days,

A mother's love shines bright, in so many ways.

For a mother's love is a love that is fierce,

A love that will fight and never disappear.

It's a love that is patient, kind and true,

A love that is selfless and unconditional too.

It's a love that will comfort in times of need,

A love that will heal, soothe and feed.

It's a love that will teach, guide and inspire,

A love that will never fade or tire.

From the first steps, to the first words,

A mother's love is felt, and clearly heard.

It's a love that will cheer and celebrate,

A love that will never discriminate.

And as the child grows and becomes their own,

A mother's love continues to be shown.

Through the ups and downs, the joy and pain,

A mother's love is a constant refrain.

For a mother's love is a love that is pure,

A love that is strong, resilient and sure.

It's a love that will last a lifetime through,

A love that is eternal, forever true.

So here's to all the mothers out there,

For your love and your sacrifices, we do declare.

You are the rocks upon which our families stand,

The glue that binds us together, hand in hand.

Thank you for all that you do,

For your love and your devotion, so pure and true.

You are the epitome of love, the embodiment of grace,

A mother's love, a mother's embrace.

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