"Yasemin and Nirmala: A Tale of Two Teens" is a heartwarming and inspiring novel that delves into the challenges faced by teenage girls...
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"Yasemin and Nirmala: A Tale of Two Teens" is a heartwarming and inspiring novel that delves into the challenges faced by teenage girls...
Brace yourself for an enthralling expedition through the beating heart of the world's largest democracy, where power dynamics, political...
"Burning Embers" by Irfan Alam is an enchanting compendium of poetry that delves into the profound nature of love and its transformative...
"If He Knew I Was a Writer Too" by Laleeta Tongo is a heartfelt and intimate collection of poetry that delves into the author's journey...
Embark on an extraordinary voyage into the genesis of one of history's most potent forces – non-violent resistance. Step back in time to...
"Meet Me at the Cusp" by Priyam Acharya is a captivating tale that follows the life of Pashmina Sambyal, a charismatic social media...
Step into the realm where the profound wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi converges with the boundless possibilities of the Internet. Are you ready...
Welcome to a sweeping tale that spans continents and generations, a gripping narrative that will transport you through the tumultuous...
Are you ready to embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting world of Classic Poetry? Look no further! Delve into the timeless...
"On the Trail of Thugs and Thieves" delves into the dark reality of crimes against humanity, exposing the universal truth that poverty is...
Step into the intriguing world of American politics and witness the most unexpected and contentious election in recent history! Hold on...
"Vitamin H - Volume 2" by Abhishek Thakkar is a spiritually enlightening book that draws inspiration from Hindu philosophy and various...
In the grand tapestry of literature, few works stand as tall and enduring as Leo Tolstoy's magnum opus, "War and Peace." As you delve...
"Chords of Emotions" is a compelling poetry collection that takes readers on a heartfelt journey through the intricacies of human...
Step into the untamed wilderness, where tales of courage and survival unfold amidst the lush green foliage and captivating fauna. Rudyard...
"Broken Anvils" by Rohith Agarwal is an emotional and empowering story that delves into the struggles and journey of Jeevan, a young man...
In the realm of literature that echoes the heartbeat of a nation, "We, the People" by Nani Palkhivala stands as a clarion call to every...
Step into the enchanting world of ancient India in "The Bearded Prince" by Rajesh Talwar. This delightful tale follows Princess Roopali,...
Are you tired of the mundane 9-to-5 routine, yearning for something more? Do you dream of breaking free from the shackles of conventional...
"Parichita" is a mesmerizing poetry collection penned by the talented author and writer, Sudha Sikrawar. Through her evocative writings,...