Are you ready for a legal thriller that not only takes you deep into the world of courtroom battles but also delves into the gritty,...
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Are you ready for a legal thriller that not only takes you deep into the world of courtroom battles but also delves into the gritty,...
"Ladies' Tailor" by Priya Hajela is a compelling historical fiction novel that delves into the lives of Gurdev and a group of refugees as...
Step into the vividly depicted world of 1970s Bihar, a land woven with contrasts - notorious for its criminal underbelly, yet known for...
In the realm of literature, where emotions are woven into words and stories transcend boundaries, "Charismatic Love," the first...
In a world brimming with self-help books, where do you turn for genuine, life-changing wisdom? Are you tired of sifting through endless...
"The Silicon Mind" by Manikarnika Lagu is a compelling sci-fi thriller that takes readers on a thought-provoking journey into the realms...
Are you ready to embark on a riveting journey through the heart of Mumbai's criminal underbelly, where power, ambition, and deceit...
"Ever After Raja Rani Tales" by Sugandha Rawat is like a big warm hug in the form of a book! It's a fantastic collection of 10 short...
Are you tired of feeling lost, uncertain, and constantly questioning if you're on the right path in life? Do you find yourself struggling...
"Power of Nature" by C.L. Peache is an engrossing psychological thriller that explores the life of Harriett, a woman with a traumatic...
Prepare yourself for a journey into the depths of human resilience and horror, where Stephen King's iconic character, Holly Gibney, takes...
"Who Hacked My Brain: The Awakening of a Common Man" by K.S.R is a thought-provoking book that delves into the perplexing challenges...
Are you ready to dive headfirst into the captivating world of one of the most intriguing innovators of our era? Well, hold onto your...
"The Ex Factor" by Harini Srinivasan is a humorous rom-com novel that revolves around the chaotic life of Oindrilla Roy, affectionately...
Embark on a delectable journey through the heart of India with Madhur Jaffrey's enchanting memoir, "Climbing the Mango Trees: A Memoir of...
"The Gentle Heart" is a compelling novel that delves into the lives of Dr. Rama Rao and Dr. Madhumati Priya, two dedicated medical...
Prepare to be captivated by the electrifying twists and turns of "Simply Lies," a gripping psychological thriller penned by the master of...
"Dancers in the Dark: In the Darkness of Her Skin, She Found Light" by Ejaz Ahamed is a powerful and thought-provoking debut novel that...
Have you ever picked up a book that divided the world into passionate lovers and fervent haters, leaving you in a state of bewildered...
"The Coronation" by Justin Newland is a captivating blend of historical fiction and magical realism set in 18th-century East Prussia...