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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


In a world overflowing with words, where verbosity often obscures the beauty of brevity, there exists a poetic form that has stood the test of time, transcending cultures and languages to touch the very core of our humanity. Welcome to "No Urgency To Be Home: A Haiku and Tanka Journey" by the gifted poet, Neha Krishna. Prepare to embark on a literary voyage that will leave you both contemplative and enchanted.

Have you ever yearned to encapsulate profound emotions, vivid memories, and fleeting moments into a handful of carefully chosen words? Are you ready to explore the enchanting world of Haiku and Tanka, where each line is a universe unto itself? If so, this collection is your invitation to an odyssey of feelings, where the simplicity of expression belies the depth of experience.

In an age of constant noise and distraction, we often find ourselves disconnected from the essence of life, missing out on the beauty of simplicity and the poignancy of the everyday. This disconnect leaves an ache in our souls, a longing for meaning in the mundane, and a desire to capture life's fleeting moments before they slip through our fingers.

Enter Neha Krishna's "No Urgency To Be Home." Within these pages, you'll discover a treasure trove of Haiku and Tanka poetry that promises not only to reconnect you with the essence of existence but also to transport you to a realm where emotions are distilled into their purest form. These verses will evoke smiles, provoke introspection, and kindle a sense of nostalgia that binds us all.

This collection is a symphony of short, vivid poems, meticulously crafted with the precision of a master wordsmith. The poetry adheres to the traditional Japanese Haiku structure, with its three lines and 5-7-5 syllable pattern, and the Tanka form with its five lines. Each poem is a world unto itself, yet together they create a tapestry of human experience.

Neha Krishna, a gifted poet, guides us on this journey. With her debut collection, she effortlessly captures the essence of Haiku and Tanka, demonstrating a mastery that belies her newcomer status in the literary world. Her words, like brush strokes on a canvas, paint vivid pictures of life's subtleties.

As you delve into these pages, prepare to be transported to the sands of childhood, the depths of introspection, and the heights of wonder. Commit to this literary expedition, and you'll find yourself drawn deeper with each turning page.

The tone of this collection is one of reflection, wonder, and intimacy. It beckons readers to slow down, savor each word, and embrace the beauty of the briefest moments in life.

In a world that often rushes past the nuances of existence, "No Urgency To Be Home" is a poignant reminder of the beauty that lies in simplicity. It's a testament to the timeless power of Haiku and Tanka to capture life's fleeting essence.

Prepare to be touched by verses that resonate with your own experiences and emotions. Engage with the imagery that transcends language and culture, inviting you to explore the universality of the human heart.

Neha Krishna's "No Urgency To Be Home" is more than a book; it's an exploration of the soul's depths through the artistry of language. By the time you turn the final page, you'll carry with you the lasting impression of a journey that touched your heart, inspired your spirit, and awakened your appreciation for life's most precious moments.


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