"Broken Anvils" by Rohith Agarwal is an emotional and empowering story that delves into the struggles and journey of Jeevan, a young man working in the ship-breaking industry. The book sheds light on the harsh realities and challenges faced by workers in this sector while exploring themes of friendship, love, and personal growth.
The novel follows Jeevan, a village boy who ventures far from home in pursuit of a better life. As he enters the ship-breaking industry, he is exposed to hazardous working conditions, low wages, and psychological stress. Through his experiences, the author paints a vivid picture of the lives of labourers in this industry and highlights the need for awareness and change.
Rohith Agarwal's writing style is captivating and thought-provoking. The language is lucid, and the seamless flow of the narrative keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The author's technique of portraying raw and magnetic characters, combined with a great plotline, makes for a compelling read.
The main character, Jeevan, undergoes significant growth throughout the book. His journey from a small village to a larger city exposes him to various aspects of life, and readers witness his personal transformation. The book also explores the plight of low-wage employees, raising awareness of their struggles and experiences.
The book follows a well-structured approach, taking readers through Jeevan's challenges and triumphs in a sequential manner. The plot is fresh and exciting, and the author succeeds in humanizing the ship-breaking industry by presenting it from a worker's perspective.
"Broken Anvils" addresses several powerful themes, including friendship, love, betrayal, and the importance of addressing labourers' working conditions. The book also emphasizes the need for change and highlights the impact of hazardous working environments on workers' lives.
The novel evokes a range of emotions, from empathy for Jeevan's struggles to a sense of urgency in bringing about positive change in the ship-breaking industry. The emotional scenes and relatable characters make for an immersive and impactful reading experience.
The book's strengths lie in its vivid characters, compelling plotline, and the author's ability to shed light on uncommon and critical issues. The humanization of labourers in the ship-breaking industry makes the story relatable and thought-provoking.
While the book is well-written and engaging, it could benefit from incorporating more information about the role of women and unions in the ship-breaking industry.
"Broken Anvils" is an insightful and inspiring book that addresses essential social issues while offering an engrossing narrative. The author's commitment to highlighting the plight of workers in the ship-breaking industry is commendable.
In conclusion, "Broken Anvils" is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that provides valuable insights into the lives of ship-breaking workers. The book's engaging writing style, relatable characters, and impactful themes make it a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the challenges faced by labourers in this industry and the need for positive change.
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