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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Ever pick up a book and find yourself instantly hooked? That’s exactly what happened to me with Sanchit Grover’s Luck, Fluke or Destiny? This debut novel is a refreshing blend of humor, emotion, and profound life lessons. Grover, new to the literary world, has already made a significant mark with this engaging story. His knack for storytelling and character development is evident right from the first page.

Luck, Fluke or Destiny? takes us into the life of Aarush, a passionate powerlifter with a single-minded goal: to become the best in the world. His journey is far from easy, marked by numerous obstacles and challenges. Thankfully, he’s not alone. Deepu and Jay, his loyal friends, support him through thick and thin. Deepu’s infectious enthusiasm and unwavering loyalty contrast with Jay’s serious, grounded approach. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of Aarush’s journey, exploring whether it’s luck, fluke, or destiny that guides their lives.

Grover’s writing style is vibrant and immersive. He has a way of bringing the world of powerlifting to life, making you feel every ounce of Aarush’s struggle and triumph. The prose is clear and engaging, with a knack for vivid descriptions that make scenes pop off the page. Grover’s narrative voice is both relatable and compelling, drawing readers into Aarush’s world with ease.

The characters in Luck, Fluke or Destiny? are well-rounded and relatable. Aarush’s journey from an aspiring lifter to a seasoned competitor is portrayed with depth and sincerity. Deepu and Jay add a rich layer to the story, each bringing their unique traits to the mix. Their friendship with Aarush is portrayed with authenticity, making their bond feel genuine. The exploration of themes like friendship, destiny, and personal effort adds a layer of depth, prompting readers to reflect on their own lives.

The plot of Luck, Fluke or Destiny? is well-paced and engaging, with enough twists and turns to keep readers hooked. Grover strikes a balance between intense moments and reflective passages, ensuring that the story remains captivating throughout. The structure of the narrative supports a smooth flow, leading readers through Aarush’s highs and lows without feeling rushed or sluggish.

At its core, the book explores the interplay between destiny, luck, and personal effort. Grover uses Aarush’s journey to delve into how these elements influence our lives. The themes are presented in a way that feels natural and thought-provoking, encouraging readers to consider how much control they have over their own fate. The narrative also touches on the value of friendship and perseverance, adding emotional depth to the story.

Luck, Fluke or Destiny? has a powerful emotional pull. There are moments that will make you laugh out loud, while others might bring a tear to your eye. Grover’s ability to evoke such a range of emotions is a testament to his skill as a writer. The emotional highs and lows of Aarush’s journey are depicted with authenticity, making the story both touching and impactful.

The book’s strengths lie in its compelling characters, vivid writing, and engaging plot. Aarush’s character is well-developed, and his journey is portrayed with nuance and depth. The friendships in the story are heartwarming, adding a layer of warmth to the narrative. Grover’s descriptive prose and ability to balance different emotional tones make the book a memorable read.

While Luck, Fluke or Destiny? is a strong debut, it does have a few weaknesses. Some plot elements may feel a bit predictable, and certain secondary characters could benefit from more development. These are minor issues, but they do impact the overall depth of the story. Future works by Grover might address these aspects for an even more polished narrative.

Personally, Luck, Fluke or Destiny? resonated with me on multiple levels. The blend of humour, emotional depth, and life lessons made it a truly engaging read. Aarush’s journey and the exploration of themes like friendship and destiny struck a chord with me, making the book a standout in its genre. It’s a story that not only entertains but also makes you reflect on your own life.

In summary, Luck, Fluke or Destiny? is a captivating read that combines humour, emotion, and thought-provoking themes into one compelling narrative. Sanchit Grover has delivered a debut novel that is both entertaining and meaningful. If you’re looking for a book that will make you laugh, cry, and ponder life’s big questions, this one is definitely worth your time. I highly recommend it and look forward to seeing more from Grover in the future!


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