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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


Literary works often delve into the intricate nature of human relationships through the exploration of universal themes such as love, friendship, betrayal, and redemption. Love, in its various forms including romantic love, familial love, and self-love, is a prevalent theme that authors utilize to provide a nuanced portrayal of human experiences. Similarly, the theme of friendship explores the deep connections between individuals, the reliance on each other, and the support they offer. The use of these themes in literature provides emotional depth and delves into the complexities of human relationships. By exploring the interactions between characters, authors encourage readers to reflect on their own experiences and relationships and to contemplate the importance of forgiveness, trust, and love in their lives.

Mahesh Rajurkar's Money is the Effect is a captivating exploration of the power of money and its significance in our lives. The novel follows the journey of Siddharth and Radha, two individuals who are embroiled in a battle of ideologies when Siddharth's philosophy about money being a result of one's work is challenged by a challenger whose motives remain unclear. The narrative introduces several antagonists who pose serious threats to Siddharth and Radha's dreams of happiness. These villains include Ashutosh Singhania, Namdev, Roasaheb, Sudhanshu, and Shrikant. However, the story also showcases the presence of friends who support Siddharth and Radha in their quest for a better life, such as Sakshi, Ravindra, Sarfaraz, Tanya, Brijesh, and Chitrangada. At its core, "Money is the Effect" is a novel that encourages its readers to reflect on their personal beliefs about money and its role in their lives. Siddharth's philosophy, while seemingly unconventional, encourages readers to question whether they see money as the driving force in their lives or simply a by-product of their hard work.

Mahesh Rajurkar has masterfully crafted Money is the Effect, creating a world where characters come alive and their stories intertwine to create a captivating narrative. Each character is fully realized, possessing their own motivations and backstories that make them feel like real people, rather than just tools to advance the plot. Even the antagonists are multi-dimensional, making the book's conflict all the more compelling. And while the heroes are flawed, they are relatable and their struggles make for a gripping read. The novel's themes of love, friendship, betrayal, and redemption are seamlessly woven throughout the story. The supporting characters, such as Sakshi, Ravindra, Sarfaraz, Tanya, Brijesh, and Chitrangada, are equally well-developed and their contributions to the story are integral to the plot.

In summary, Money is the Effect is a novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy romance, drama, and philosophical musings. Rajurkar's exploration of the role of money in our lives is thought-provoking and engaging, challenging readers to examine their own beliefs about the significance of money. With its captivating characters and universal themes, this book is an enjoyable and insightful read.

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