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  • Writer's pictureSameer Gudhate


"When Ants Grow Wings" by Sunil Rajagopal is a collection of poems that delve into the intricate and often overlooked aspects of life, nature, and human emotions. This review explores the book's content, style, and overall impact on the reader.

The book is divided into three distinct sections, each connected by a delicate thread of beauty. It takes the reader on a journey from the stillness and monotony of the first section to the suffocating and boundless emotions of the second, and finally, to the hope and renewal of the third. The poems within are not mere autobiographies but rather expressions of shared solitude, experiences, and conversations. Through metaphors of nature and life's subtleties, Rajagopal shows us how to find beauty in the smallest of things and embrace hope amid despair.

Sunil Rajagopal's writing style is characterized by irregular rhyming schemes, simplicity, and powerful metaphorical use of nature elements. The metaphors are beautifully depicted, making the poems resonate deeply with the reader.

The book's structure is non-linear, allowing readers to explore the themes and emotions presented in a non-traditional way. The organization into three sections mirrors the evolution of emotions and experiences.

Themes of beauty in simplicity, resilience, and the profound impact of nature on human emotions are prevalent throughout the collection. The poems encourage readers to find hope, appreciate life's small wonders, and seek solace in shared experiences.

"When Ants Grow Wings" has a significant emotional impact. It prompts readers to reconsider their perspectives on life, providing moments of insight and emotional resonance.

The book's strengths lie in its profound metaphors, thought-provoking themes, and its ability to evoke strong emotions. It serves as a map of the secrets of our world and its people. While the irregular rhyming scheme adds to the uniqueness of the collection, it might pose a challenge for readers who prefer traditional poetry forms.

I found "When Ants Grow Wings" to be a thoughtfully crafted collection that invites readers to explore life's complexities through the lens of nature and emotion. It offers a unique and refreshing perspective on poetry.

Sunil Rajagopal's "When Ants Grow Wings" is a poetic journey that encourages readers to find beauty and hope in the ordinary. It's a collection that lingers in the mind long after the final page, a testament to the enduring power of well-crafted poetry.


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