In the heartwarming and thought-provoking novel, "I Am Big So What?" by Shuchi Singh Kalra, readers are taken on a transformative journey...
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In the heartwarming and thought-provoking novel, "I Am Big So What?" by Shuchi Singh Kalra, readers are taken on a transformative journey...
A love story woven through the tapestry of 1947's Partition, Apoorva Khare's "Beneath the Gulmohar Tree" is a captivating exploration of...
In the captivating realm of Sidney Sheldon's political thriller, "The Best Laid Plans," power, revenge, and unexpected alliances entwine...
In "Astrology Simplified," author Riddhi Bahl takes readers on a captivating journey through the celestial realms, weaving personal...
In the intriguing world of Colleen Hoover's "Too Late," emotions take center stage, inviting readers to embark on a unique literary...
In the bustling world of self-help and spiritual literature, "New York to New You: The 31/7 Odyssey" by Manoj Gupta stands out as a...
Chanpreet Singh's "Ek Akela Ped aur Anya Kavitaein" is a poetic journey that seamlessly blends simplicity with profoundness, offering...
Embarking on the pages of Gayatri Athreyan's "Touch and Go" was like stepping into a world where everyday moments turned into profound...
The Eclipsed Sun by Ramita Sengupta is a mesmerizing and captivating literary journey that immerses readers in the heart of India's...
"Dawn to Dusk Rain Dancing" by Ramachandran Rajasekharan is not merely a collection of poems; it is a poetic odyssey that delicately...
"Baby Steps To Big Dreams" by Dr Manjula Pooja Shroff is not just a parenting guide but a transformative journey through the delicate...
In the labyrinth of international politics, Fazle Chowdhury's "The Secrets We Live In" beckons readers with its gripping narrative,...
In the intricate embroidery of social and human behaviour, "Human Model" by Dr Issam Wadi emerges as a groundbreaking exploration that...
Cliff Ratza's "The Girl Who Reset the Cyberworld" is a thrilling sequel that seamlessly picks up where the first book left off,...
Umesh Santoshkumar Yashoda Rathod's "Startup Theories, Examples & Activities" invites readers into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship....
In the transformative journey laid out by Manoj Gupta in "The Consciouspreneur," readers follow the protagonist, James, as he grapples...
Diving into D. G. Schulman's "Anna's Promise" is like embarking on a journey through time, seamlessly weaving between war-torn Poland in...
In the enthralling world of myth and mystery, Pranay Bhalerao weaves a captivating tale that transcends timelines and genres. With "Kaal:...
In Vijay Medtia's novel, "In God's Country, Karwar," readers are beckoned into a labyrinth of crime, passion and the haunting echoes of a...
"Kill the Lawyers" by Shishir Vayttaden catapults readers into the vibrant world of corporate law in Bombay, offering a fresh perspective...